The renaming of Shrink
The Start----Dikkus, the founder of the Darkside,and the now tyrant,Dolly Boy
2 virgins looking smart in new t shirt
the back view of new shirt
the old and the new (T shirts, of course)
No "medium" left for the Grand Mattress
good to see Anal Vice and Broken Water again
remembering Gispert, the first hasher back in 1938
I'm ready for action
nice badges
it'd dark out here
down on the beach in Arbutus Cove
guess where he's been?
head count
into Arbutus Woods
lots of water in here
father and son enjoying the BC
back at the Club House, a dash for titbits
resting before the Down Downs
a private moment
where did "Fucking Crazy"spring up from?
The Hares are toasted
so is Fucking Crazy, for having missed the Run
he takes his punishment like a hasher true
now it's the Virgins' go
Floppy still has a blackish eye
Boomerang is leaving us again for Fiji
one drinks, they both drink!
the 24+ runs Darksiders are honoured
we have to keep Shrink down
we want our grub
what is the GM upto??
it's quiet now
Topper and Boomerang
more eaters and posers
another Father and Son
as usual, Stoolie lowers the tone of the ocassion
the VH3 trophy is returned
the Magician is getting us ready
he's good, but Shrink hasn't disappeared yet
we'll teach him to smoke
no contest; 3 smart women and then there are the men------
can Beaver Spew read yet??
Stoolie is after being touched again
I like my hat
a pair of Mummies
dancing time
THE VH3 sure knows how to pick its RAs
dancing the night away
a gorgeous threesome
a not so gorgeous onesome
they go back too long!!
Kitty Licker sweeps them away
firework time
The End---Shrink going up in smoke, & a good time was had by all
Darkside 100
, February 1
, 2003
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